Chris Basham
The Sheffield United defender became an Ambassador for Paces in 2020 and added to the already strong relationship between the club and Paces.
“I was incredibly proud to be asked to take on the role as an Ambassador for Paces. The work which they do is amazing, and it truly changes the lives of all of the children, adults and families who they support.
“Here at Sheffield United Football Club, we have supported Paces for many years and it has been fantastic to be part of their journey. This year has been incredibly tough for absolutely everyone, but to see how the whole team – from the children, adults and the staff have met the challenge and continued to spread the amazing word of Paces is something everyone should be extremely proud of.
“I can’t wait to continue to support them on their fundraising journey and see what is next for Paces”.
Harry Withers
Harry first became involved with Paces in September 2017 when he started attending our Adult Sessional group. He has Cerebral Palsy and is studying for a bachelor’s degree at the University of Sheffield, and he is also a governor at Paces School. Conductive Education has played a massive role in Harry’s life, which is one of the many reasons he wanted to become an Ambassador.
“I have benefited from Conductive Education throughout my whole life since first attending the Petö Institute in Budapest in September 1997. I have experienced the great benefits of Conductive Education for so long and so many opportunities are now available to me due to my increased mobility. This is in no doubt due to the continued input of the support I received.
“However, Conductive Education has not only had a physical benefit, but has also helped me mentally and socially. Joining the Adult Sessional groups has helped me to develop friendships and my confidence has vastly improved from being part of a group setting. Having access to the sessions has been crucial for me to be able to maintain my mobility throughout periods when my time is taken up with studying, and the comradery of the group and the care of the staff at Paces makes attending highly enjoyable”.
“I am incredibly proud to have become an Ambassador for Paces and I am really grateful for the opportunity. Being an advocate of Conductive Education and speaking of it’s wonders is a real passion of mine. I have been following the work of Paces for several years now and the work and care of the staff is truly incredible. I feel that Paces are making great strides in the support they can offer to children, young people and adults and it is a really exciting time to be involved with the charity”.